Hugo Travelify Theme Features

Hugo-Travelify-Theme is the Hugo version of the Wordpress theme - Travelify . The source code was adapted from digitalcraftsman’s Icarus theme with a few changes for additional features (Even this README is a fork from his original theme README :)).

Some of the important features of Hugo-Travelify-Theme are:

  • Automatic slider generation with banner images

  • Subscribe via Email through Mailchimp integration (You have to sign up and generate the HTML code)

  • Multiple author support (Included in the taxonomy)

  • i10n data

  • Disqus integration

  • Social media share

  • Google Analytics

Get the theme

If you have git installed, you can do the following at the command-line-interface at the Hugo directory/folder:

$ cd themes
$ git clone

You should see a folder called hugo-travelify-theme inside the themes directory that we created a few moments ago. For more information read the official setup guide of Hugo.


In the next step navigate to the exampleSite folder at themes/hugo-travelify-theme/exampleSite/. Its structure should look similar to this:

|   config.toml
|   |
|   |
|   \---post
|       l10n.toml
    |   new-york-featured.jpg

In order to get your site running, you need to copy config.toml and data/l10n.toml into the root folders.

The config file

Now, let us take a look into the config.toml. Feel free to play around with the settings.

Automatic Slider

The slider can be switched on and off at will and you can customize the number of banner images you want on the carousel using the parameters in the config.

enable = true
num_features = 4 # The slider picks up the banner images from the N most recent posts, where num_features is N.

Tip - For best results in the slider, use 1018x460 resolution for the banner images

Google Analytics

GoogleAnalytics = ""


The optional comment system is powered by Disqus. Enter your shortname to enable the comment section under your posts.

disqusShortname = ""

Tip: you can disable the comment section for a single page in its frontmatter:

disable_comments = true

You can also define the items menu entries as you like. First, let us link a post that you’ve written. We can do this in the frontmatter of the post’s content file by setting menu to main.

menu = "main"

Furthermore, we can add entries that don’t link to posts. Back in the config.toml you’ll find a section for the menus:

    name  = "Contact"
    url   = "/contact/"
    weight = 20

Define a label and enter the URL to resource you want to link. With before you can decide whether the link should appear before or after all linked posts in the menu. Therefore, Home appears before the linked post.

In order to use the full width of the website you can disable the profile on the left and / or the widgets on the right for a single page in the frontmatter:

disable_profile = true
disable_widgets = true

Tell me who you are

This theme also provides a profile section on the left. Add your social network accounts to the profile section on the left by entering your username under social. The links to your account will be create automatically.


Beside the profile section you can add widgets on the right sidebar. The following widgets are available:

  • recent articles
  • Subscribe via email (Mailchimp integration - Use the method prescribed in and copy the text from form=//username/mailchimp/path/and copy this path to the mailchimpform variable under [params.widget] in your config.toml)
  • Multiple author support
  • category list
  • tag list
  • tag cloud
  • Duckduckgo search enabled on your website

You can deactivate them under params.widgets:

# Enable and disable widgets for the right sidebar
    recent_articles = true
    categories = true
    tags = true
    tag_cloud = true
    archives = false # This feature is yet to be implemented because of limitations in Hugo's way of working.
    search = true
    author = true
    mailchimp = true
    mailchimpform = "//mailchimp/url/goes/here"

Date line

The date line includes: post date, categories, comments and sharing links. However, if you want certain pages to omit the date line, simply put nodateline = true in the front matter for that page.

Disable Previous / next article links and remove tags

To disable the inclusion of a previous/next article link at the bottom of the page, add noprevnext = true to the front matter. Along with this feature, along with nodateline = true can be used to create standalone pages that are less “blog-like”.

Localization (l10n)

You don’t blog in English and you want to translate the theme into your native locale? No problem. Take a look in the data folder and you’ll find a file l10n.toml that we’ve copied at the beginning. It contains all strings related to the theme. Just replace the original strings with your own.

Linking thumbnails

After creating a new post you can define a banner by entering the relative path to the image.

banner = "banners/placeholder.png"

This way you can store them either next to the content file or in the static folder.

Tip - For best results in the slider, use 1018x460 resolution for the banner images

Nearly finished

In order to see your site in action, run Hugo’s built-in local server.

$ hugo server

Now enter localhost:1313 in the address bar of your browser.


Have you found a bug or got an idea for a new feature? Feel free to use the issue tracker to let me know. Or make directly a pull request.


This theme is released under the MIT license. For more information read the license.


Thanks to